gender reveal | it's a...
Friday, March 24, 2017when people ask, "what do you want?" you know the answer is usually, a healthy baby. it doesn't matter what gender the baby is, but that its a healthy one. that's the most important. but deep down, you have a wish. and that's the way it was with all 3 of my babies.
I prayed for a boy when I found out I was pregnant for the first time because that's what I dreamt of ever since I was a little girl. I wanted my first born to be a boy.
then when we decided to go for baby #2, we really weren't set on any sex, we were just excited to have another baby. I did deep down want a baby girl since I was ready to dive in to the bows and pinks, and here she is.. the most beautiful baby girl.
the one to tell everyone weather baby #3 is a boy or a girl.
we found out the gender a day before Skylar's 1st birthday party,
so how clever would it be to make her smash cake the big reveal?
here we are.. baby #3. we wanted to have this baby very soon after Skylar was born and I believe so did Our Heavenly Father. we had absolutely no trouble conceiving. and again, we dreamt of a boy. all we wanted was a baby boy for Noah to play with and a boy to protect Skylar along with Noah.
God knew our hearts and I'm so thankful that we are not only having an absolutely healthy baby, but He gave us the desire of our hearts.

a B O Y.
our dream is reality.
photography by my sister paola