Hey Y'all!
I'm Vanessa; The momma behind this sweet corner of web-space.
I am first and foremost a daughter of my King. Saved by Grace is the only way I desire to be- and it is a daily attempt to seek Him out and love like He loves me.
I'm a simple gal.. I love God and my family. I enjoy food, the outdoors, décor & design, DIY's are my favorite hobby, my job is quite important to me, I'm so blessed to have such a wonderful place to work that challenges me everyday. I'm very much into fashion but not extremely girly. If I could describe my design type it would be "country modern." I like sleek and classic with some wood on it.
I have so many plans and I look forward to what God has in store for me.
Motherhood has really made me, well me. I choose to love my life and everything in it. Although its not always easy or a walk down a Target aisle, I enjoy it and every challenge it brings. I'm a mom, Target is like a safe place and Fixer Upper is like therapy. Quite simply I must say.
I met "him" while we both served our Father in Heaven. And now I am a wife to the man of my dreams.
Literally. I made a list when in college of the perfect man and let me tell you, Brandon exceeded my expectations. He is everything on my list. Maybe one day I'll write a post about that. Brandon has come to set me straight. Lol. He is my calm and my safe haven. Although he probably thinks I'm a nut job sometimes, he loves me unconditionally no matter what season I am in. He takes care of me and of my heart. He speaks sweet words into my heart and builds me up as a mother and as a women. He is the sweetest of men and I love his tender heart.
We got married April 25, 2015 at the most gorgeous place ever where we were surrounded by all who we love and it was just a dream. We had a fairytale wedding and its one of the most beautiful days of my life.
He gives me googley eyes and I tend to get distracted. I love love love him!

I became a mommy Feb 2, 2013 to a little boy whom I cant seem to get enough of. Noah Abram. He is the most happy and the cutest kid I've ever came across. You can ask anyone and they will tell you. Go ahead, ask. His teachers always whisper to me and say, "He is our favorite. We know it will be a good day as soon as we see him walk through the classroom door." He is so polite and you cant help but smile when he trips and bonks his head and turns to look at you and asks, "Are you ok?" He has always been very selfless. He likes to share, especially his snacks. I mean what kind of three year old likes to share?
He's a masterpiece, not because he is my son, but because God created him in such a beautiful way. When he was still in my belly, God told me, "He is not only for you, He is coming to be light and hope to others." He is a reminder to me of what love truly is, and because of him, everyday is better than the last.

Then we introduced Skylar Elizabeth to the world on March 15, 2016.
She is just the most smiliest angel face baby ever. She has come to add a little bit of pink to our home, God knows we needed it. She's so cuddly and chunky you cant help but squeeze her cheeks. I mean look at her picture, you can't tell me you don't want to just squeeze her. We cant wait to see Noah and her become best buds. He loves her so much already. He always makes sure to let us know when she is crying or unhappy, and he is so very protective of her. As it should be. This girl is so strong and advanced. She surprises us with her capabilities. Not even 5 minutes after she was born she was already lifting her head up to check out the new place she would live. She is like a super baby. Lord, help us. It is also confirmed she is a foodie just like the rest of us. She fits right in. Bring on the girly Sky!

And our last hunk of love is Lucas Wayne.
Here comes trouble! This boy scares the living lights out of us with his wild personality. He loves to swing, be thrown up in the air and when we scare him all at 5 months. He is following in his sisters footsteps. And we all know Sky is a wild one. Our last baby sure did go out with a BOOM. My labor was the real deal with this one. All considered, Lukey Bear is the cherry on the top to our sweet family. I remember the overwhelming feeling of happiness when I held him in my arms in that hospital room. I knew this was it. My family is complete, unless God has something to say about that. His joyfulness is so contagious! He just lights up the room with his smile.
Oh Lucas Wayne, I love you so so so.