I cannot see a world with no God. I just simply refuse to believe that could ever exist. It’s so easy for me to have faith. It’s so easy for me to know that my God is real and created everything and is everlasting LOVE.

It hurts my heart to think that anyone could not believe what I know to be true. It hurts my heart more when these people are people I love and hold so dear. This is my testimony. This is my story. Without God, without my Father in heaven, without Jesus, I would be nothing. I would feel so lost in this world.

The world is too big for me to go through this alone. And what a song it puts in my heart to know that I am NOT alone! I don’t have to be afraid of anything, for God is always with me! So many times in the Bible it says “Do not be afraid” and I hold those words so close to my heart, especially in times of need, in times of uncertainty, in hard times, because they comfort me and keep me going and put a smile on my face, the knowledge that God will NEVER EVER leave my side. He is in my life. He is my own personal cheerleader, and He is guiding me through every trial, every tribulation, every good time and bad time, He is right there with me, letting me know that I can do this, that I am strong and capable, and how lucky I am to know this!

Lord, give me the courage to stand for You, to be a beacon of Your light in this sometimes very dark world. I pray that my life can be a testimony to those around me, to every single person who comes into it.

By this gospel you are saved, if you hold firmly to the word I preached to you. Otherwise, you have believed in vain. For what I received I passed on to you as of first importance: that Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures. – 1 Corinthians 15:2-4

I certainly am not perfect, nor do I know all things, but if you ever want to know more about my journey with Christ or just have a question about faith, Christianity or who God really is, Brandon and I would be extremely honored to share this with you. If through this blog God will work and touch someone's heart, I have been blessed upon measure to do something I like to do so much and open a door to Him at the same time.

Let go. And let God.