five on friday
Friday, March 10, 2017remember my last five on friday? I said sky's party theme was "under the sea." well, after looking at it for so long, I got bored of it and changed everything. so not like me to change plans last minute, but what can you do? it has to be perfect! so now its a colorful chill party coming soon. two. belly button
my belly "buttom" like Noah says, is out! with my previous two pregnancies, it was until the last trimester when this happened. my button came out in the first, about 12 weeks in. I'm not kidding. it really took me by surprise and freaked Brandon the heck out. he's weird about belly buttons. yes, those are stretch marks and I am proud of them.

both kids decided they now like to cuddle. noah was getting to that age where he wasn't up for the long cuddle sessions we used to have. he doesn't even want to hold my hand at the store anymore. what's happening? -ed alzate voice (your cool if you get that one) he has been waking up before everyone in the house, like 6:30, and coming into bed with us, well Brandon because the prego pillow is out. and sky does this thing where she'll lay her head down on anything and look at you with the cutest eyes. it's heart throbbing.

help! what was I thinking? the week of the party is now slammed. I shall turn to food and gossip girl while crafting on the couch. yes, that will do. five. lone survivor
Brandon is at a camping trip today so that means, its me and the kids. our kids are so cool, like for real! I love them to death and love being around them, just not all the time. they can get rowdy and crazy. this pregnant mama can only take so much. so here's to a friday night when the goal is to survive. cheers! (Dani, this is our life)
happy friday!