this party was put together very last minute to me in a matter of two weeks. although it was, I'm very happy with it all. it was so much fun to have so many littles around and being able to announce the gender of baby #3 with the help of our little one year old.
one year, what?
my initial inspiration for this party was this invitation and the most darling party pack.
jessie over at ohbejoyfulshop was so sweet to give all my readers a discount code for anything in her etsy shop. (including custom orders) use the code "CHEERSTOTHESPEARS" to get 20% off.
*expires: 05.01.18
photography by my sister paola
skylar's dress: Old Navy
invitations: ohbejoyfulshop
birthday banner: ohbejoyfulshop
welcome & gifts sign: ohbejoyfulshop
thank you tags: ohbejoyfulshop
straw flags: ohbejoyfulshop
ONE balloon: PartyHaus
cake topper: DIY
highchair banner: DIY
party hat: DIY
paper flowers: DIY
piñata: DIY
gift bags: Target
honeycombs: Target
balloons: Target
straws: Hobby Lobby
when people ask, "what do you want?" you know the answer is usually, a healthy baby. it doesn't matter what gender the baby is, but that its a healthy one. that's the most important. but deep down, you have a wish. and that's the way it was with all 3 of my babies.
I prayed for a boy when I found out I was pregnant for the first time because that's what I dreamt of ever since I was a little girl. I wanted my first born to be a boy.
then when we decided to go for baby #2, we really weren't set on any sex, we were just excited to have another baby. I did deep down want a baby girl since I was ready to dive in to the bows and pinks, and here she is.. the most beautiful baby girl.
the one to tell everyone weather baby #3 is a boy or a girl.
we found out the gender a day before Skylar's 1st birthday party,
so how clever would it be to make her smash cake the big reveal?
here we are.. baby #3. we wanted to have this baby very soon after Skylar was born and I believe so did Our Heavenly Father. we had absolutely no trouble conceiving. and again, we dreamt of a boy. all we wanted was a baby boy for Noah to play with and a boy to protect Skylar along with Noah.
God knew our hearts and I'm so thankful that we are not only having an absolutely healthy baby, but He gave us the desire of our hearts.

a B O Y.
our dream is reality.
photography by my sister paola
how did that happen so fast? our little sugar butt has exceeded our expectations far more than we where ready for. this little girl is the perfect combination of princess and warrior. you can see the fire and the drive in her eyes. she's a silent thunderstorm that the world needs to prepare for. little and fierce.
skylar at TWELVE months
weight: 20lbs 10oz (44th percentile)
birth: 7lbs 3oz
height: 29 1/2in (66th percentile)
birth: 19in
I just love the way that everyone in our doctors office loves sky. the nurse asks about brother every time as well. its also really fun to see everyone react to her in there. she waves at everyone and puts on a show even for the other patients.
she checked out perfect. Brandon even had to ask if they gave us the correct questionnaire because she does everything on those lists so perfectly. A+ my darling. it was all in all a good visit besides the regulatory shots. the girls a champ!
what's new?
so many things since the last update.
•dance dance! she loves to dance and will dance to even the shortest tune. any music, at all, makes it time to boogie. she'll either bend her knees up and down or spin in circles.
•speedy sky. she's so quick to move from one place to another. she rarely wants to be held these days, and fights until she has broken free of whoever is holding her. she is officially running!
•back back back it up. LOVES to sit in our lap. when we are sitting on the floor, she will get about a foot from us and then turn around and back herself up until she hits our legs and then plops right down. it puts us into giggles every time.
•advanced. she wont stop it with the growing up part. she walked so early that she was moved up in daycare a month before she was supposed to. how did that happen? she's going too fast!
•self play. she's really gotten the hang of this one. noah doesn't like to be sat on, slobbered on, wacked or tormented, so he likes to play solo most of the time. so sky has learned and followed suit.
•she loves her grandmas. following in line with her brother, she thinks grandmas hung the moon. she has started to be really attached to welo as well. she LOVES to sit on his lap.
•smart cookie. she has figured out how to avoid me when it is time to do her hair. she knows the exact timing of our morning routine and will dash right down the hall when I start picking out the bow for the day. she will try her hardest to hide from me and when I spot her, she sprints the other way.
•faker. she has this FUNNY fake pitiful cry. we know that means she either wants a bottle, or she wants to be cuddled up. its so hard for us not to laugh and keep a straight face. what an artist.
•sippy. girlfriend does a sippy like a champ. and it doesn't even matter what's in it. water, milk, juice, she'll take it all. I didn't even get the chance to try to train her.
•milky. along with the sippy, she is drinking whole milk so soon as well. we offered it to her once and the rest of the times, she stole brothers sippy with milk and just about trained herself. no transition hassle with baby #2 as well. lets keep that rolling!
•dress me up. she helps us when getting her dressed every morning. she has no trouble pulling her arms and legs through her clothes. its such a time saver in the mornings. it'll be no time until she is dressing herself and picking out her own outfits. what will I do all morning then?
•clean up time. who taught her this, so I can give you $100? she cleans! no joke! if there is a bin or bucket present, she will pick up the toys and put them away. seriously, who did this? because it wasn't us.
•little mama. sky is showing her maternal instinct so soon. she loves all her dollies, and cuddles them with so much kindness it'll melt your heart! we are so excited to see her interact with the baby.
•changos. my parents melt! when she scrunches up that nose and closes her eyes at them, they will basically so anything for her. she's got them right where she wants them. I don't think I was even that good when I did it as a baby.
what doesn't she eat? I don't know, do you? she wants to try everything out there. like I said in her last update, I don't tolerate picky eaters, so I am extremely pleased with her love for exploring. like the beans, she wasn't fond of beans for one bit, and now she loves them! its all in what you allow. us parents will make our kids picky eaters if we let them. uh uh! not in my house!
sky eats whatever the rest of us eat. I rarely have to make two meals, just when its spicy or something like a lone steak. she eats all the meats unless its a tough beef filet or something like that. I don't have issues with her eating habits. at all! booyah!
I've never seen a baby develop so quickly as she has. we are so amazed at all she does and picks up. recently, she has learned to "make dinner." she grabs a pot from the play kitchen and puts food in it (usually corn) and walks to the "kids" table so carefully without spilling and serves the corn on the plate. over and over and over again. so cute! she never gets tired of it.
she also has an amazement with books that I am so very happy about. she will sit for long stretches of time flipping through Noah's books. I think we are going to have to make a library in our next home with the amount of book these kids have. I'm running out of shelf space!
since moving up to the next room in daycare so early, she has become such a social bird. she plays with other kids so well and interacts at a stage of a 2 year old. she is gentle with the other kids and fits right in. she's going to be as social as her daddy. uh oh!
12 month photo dump
happy 1st birthday sweet baby girl