
Weekend In Pictures

Monday, October 03, 2016


we kicked off Friday evening with some mommy time for both the babes.
Brandon had his tailgate event per usual, and I usually try to hang out with someone this day since its just the kids and I, but I just wanted to stay in and relax. I know I was taking a long shot considering the fact that I was sleep deprived from staying up with Noah all night since he had been sick for the last half of the week (fever of 102/103) and Sky had been getting a little fussy lately as well. everyone in the house was sick except for Sky, thank you breastfeeding!

the kids were not good for me, they were GREAT!
Brandon still hasn't seen this in the flesh, but they were just on their best behavior. both of them. this day Noah was such a servant, to both his sister and I. he really interacted with her in a way that he hasn't done yet. since they were being so good, I turned into a cleaning maniac! I left them in the family room to play and Noah did just that. he played with her. and if she started fussing, he came and found me to let me know she was crying and wouldn't leave my side until I went with him to check on sister.
he just wanted to see her happy.
he made it his mission to make her laugh.
he wanted to play cars with her.
he wanted to watch tv with her.
he found her bottle on the kitchen counter and sat to feed her.
he brought her toys.
he wanted to say his prayers with her.

"Hold my hand big brother all the years through, Hold my hand little sister, for I will always love and protect you."

they both went down so early, I got some mommy time. a soft pretzel and Baby Daddy.

rough night for all of us. so we for sure slept in and cuddled all morning.
I don't know what's in the air, but we were having nose and throat issues.
we did get a surprise in the mail first thing, and that was Sky's walker. I had just ordered it on Thursday. I think Noah liked it more than Sky and of course I liked it more than Noah. I decided to go with the Joovy Spoon and I am very happy with my decision. the design, the colors, the sturdiness, the large tray, everything. match made in heaven. these things are usually pretty ugly.
Noah is having so much fun pushing Sky around, and she's not complainin'. he pushes her here, he pushes her there. its extremely cute.
the kids were so over being cooped up in the house that we decided to go to.. of course. Target. we needed a few things, and we also wanted to start seeing what toys Noah liked in preparation for Christmas.
**I have been making Christmas lists for the kids on Pinterest.
You can find Noah list here.
and Sky's list here.

as soon as we were all up, it was time for some throat soothing tea.
Brandon had a really rough night, and Noah and I did so much better with sleep. so our plan for this day was to do absolutely nothing.
we skipped church, cant remember the last time we did that, and just hung out until it was lunch time. it was my mom's birthday, so we were excited for that. and Noah was dying to give her the present. Cowboy Café is now open on Sunday's so that was a no brainer. most of us had the chicken fried steak, and Sky ate gravy.
we took some naps, and it was right back up to playing. I did my gels this time, we did like 2 weeks worth of laundry and tired to keep the kids calm. they were some kind of crazy! Noah wanted only to play and Sky was super fussy, we think it may be teeth.
we took it super easy. Noah and I danced in mid light to TSwifts Everything Has Changed. we are all Swifties and proud.

hope everyone had a good weekend. don't forget to take your vitamin C.

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