Weekend | Chosen & Get-Away
Wednesday, October 26, 2016I will be honest and say that I did not know what to do with myself. I had so much to do, I just wanted to crawl into bed, eat a ton and do nothing. Brandon helped me get through it all and we did it, we survived the weekend.
we had been planning the annual Crowned Party since April and it was here before we knew it. months of preparation and crafting were coming together. Crowned is a party we (the Oneighty women) put on for the Oneighty girls. just for the purpose of reminding them they are princess' of the most high King. we do food, games, a word from a special speaker and we actually danced at this one.
it all came together so nicely and it was so much fun! the girls really enjoyed themselves and cut loose.
these were cute bracelets at each of the girls seats with a special message centered on a hand drawn wreathe.
we had tissue paper flowers on a wall as a backdrop for photos and tons of sweets along with a hot chocolate bar. who said girls don't eat?

this chosen sign was almost the death of me. it took Brandon and I almost 3 hours just to try to figure out how to print a tiled stencil. I was ready to give up, but I'm so glad I didn't, because it turned out gorgeous! and can we just take a second to admire my bathroom mirror in its glory.
Also, the flowers on the tree branches are hair clips we had made out of silk flowers so each girl could have a small accessory to match our theme.
Mrs. Julie was our special speaker this year and can I say, she blew it out of the park! her message about rejection and fear was so relatable to young girls. personal things to motivation and confidence. this was my favorite part of the party by far.
what a beautiful night, another year, another party.
right after the party ended, Brandon picked me up so we could be on our way to Albuquerque for the weekend.
we had an apt but decided to extend our weekend and stay till Tuesday. great decision!
the kids did great on the trip, Sky slept the whole way and Noah was freakishly awake the whole ride. we had told him earlier that day we were going to Grammy's house, and he was so excited he stayed up all night to make sure we made it there.
Sunday, Oct 23rd
sleeping in was definitely a must! Grammy and Sarah relieved us so much being up for the kids so Brandon and I could rest.
as soon as we were all up, off to the pumpkin patch we went.
don't the kids look so happy?

I love me a baby wearing dad. one of the most attractive things I've ever seen. then check out Sky's face watching a little girl jumping in front of Noah trying to show off for him.
as soon as we sat Sky down on this chair, it was like an uproar of people behind us. it sounded like a football game with people saying awe! people go nuts with this child. and then she did her little fake smile.
Monday, Oct 24th
again we slept in, we are so spoiled over at Grammy and Grandpa's place. after Noah's apt, we did some quick shopping and spent some quality time with just Noah alone. we don't get to do that often since we have two now, so it was nice to just spoil him and give him all of our attention. and of course some toys.
he was screaming at the top of his lungs that he was a superhero. I guess gelato has that effect on him.
Noah fell asleep on the way back to Grammy's with cars in hand, and Sky was passed out when we got there to pick her up for dinner. I cant get enough!
for dinner we met with Pam-paw and Robin so we could stuff our faces at Furr's. how I miss having a cafeteria style restaurant in town.
Tuesday, Oct 25th
we usually try to have a date night every time we come to Alb but we just had no time this go. so we decided to have a date morning. is that a thing? we hadn't had a date since the last time we were in town. so again, we stuffed our faces at Chipotle and shopped for the kids.
does any one else do that? you finally get kid free time and all you do is stuff for your kids. parent-hood.
and just like that, the weekend was over.
we chased a rainbow back home and had a fairly good trip.
Happy End of October!