
Saturday | Livin at the Park

Monday, October 17, 2016


our weekends have been so busy lately. parties, guests, events, sick days.. we are still trying to recover.
it's amazing how easily our energy level can be zapped. we spent every moment together as a family with only interruptions to take naps here and there.

I've been having a lot of alone time with the kids lately. Brandon has Fire Academy on Thursdays and Tailgates on Fridays. then he had a Buddy Walk Saturday morning. with the fire station, he went in support of the 12th Annual Down Syndrome Foundation Buddy Walk. its an event where they raise awareness and fundraise for the Down Syndrome Foundation. I'm so proud of him for stepping up and serving. if you know Brandon, you know he has a heart to serve. I admire that so much.

it was an early morning for me. (Brandon usually lets me sleep in on the weekends) but Sky is an early bird so I was up. we played, ate, played, bathed, ate and napped. she wont nap more than once a day, and its only for about 30-40 mins. it kills me! by the end of the day, we are all zonked!
Noah was obsessed with going to the park, so we told him we would. we stopped at a few shops before and Noah didn't let us forget that we were not following the plan. every place we went, "lets get ice cream and go to park." after about the 15th time we thought we'd better follow through.
fine Noah, FINE.
isn't his face just great?
Sky has been crawling for a while now, so now we are trying to get her to walk. she knows the movements, but she is still very unbalanced.

you can get a glimpse of what eating with us looks like.
not always, but often, we deal with a stage 3 clinging toddler or stage 1,000 wild baby.
our life is not always put together, but I wouldn't have it any other way.
hope your weekend was as fun as ours.

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