Skylar | 6 Months
Thursday, September 15, 2016well that was the fastest 182 days of my life. it feels like it was just yesterday that Brandon was running red lights
at 2am trying to get me to the hospital. here we are, an entire half a year later gone by.
the end of her first summer.
the start to being independent.
the anticipation of her first Thanksgiving and Christmas.
I still cant wrap my head around the idea that she is ours. she is perfect. and she is 6 months.
her smile on the daily makes our lives that much more sweeter. her glistering eyes and her little voice trying to tell us about her day. her perfectly round cheeks, chubby feet and luscious hair, all wrapped up in a sweet little package.
I can't keep up. time's a bully.
remember what she looked like 26 weeks ago?
just a wee little babe.

Skylar at SIX months
Weight: 16lbs 8oz (62nd percentile)
Birth: 7 lbs 3 oz
Height: 25.5in (41th percentile)
Birth: 19 in
she's growing like a weed.. her baby thighs are thinning out a teensy bit, but oh thank heavens for her cheeks. THOSE CHEEKS are out of control. she is in serious growing mode.

on the move and constantly having something to see. she cannot sit still, even if her life depended on it. if we leave her on the floor and walk away, she will turn completely around and freak us out. although she's not crawling yet, she is movin! the personality spewing from this little girls face and demeanor is absolutely hilarious and kinda frightening. terrifying actually. her need to see everything is quite hilarious! she will be in the middle of nursing, and she will turn her head as far as it will go while still attached, just to see what brother is up to. she will even let go for a minute or two to catch up on what everyone is doing now then go back about her business.
Skylar Elizabeth
continues to be the most beautiful girl on the planet.
her personality is the definition of joy.
she loves her big brother more than words can say.
the light up of her face when I say "good morning" is outrageously cute.
she's a doll.
she LOVES her some food
carrots, sweet potato, banana cereal, yogurt bites, banana cookies, apple juice, ice cream, you name it!
she's even had some of my mashed potatoes, and she was very interested.
as for her eating habits, I really don't deprive her of much. as long as its not a hazard or unhealthy, I'm willing to try it. I know all the books have a rule chart as to what she can and cannot have, well we tossed that a long time ago. she is healthy and growing like a champ. so she gets to try it all.
angel face can blow up a diaper.
man, she's a trained expert.
and it always happens for dad.
we could be loading up to go to church and she'll let it rip.
or about to put her in the car seat and it's all over the place.
she is so kind, she will drop a present anytime, anywhere. she's thoughtful like that.
her laugh is absolutely contagious.
her smile is super uplifting.
puts perfection to shame with her ridiculous amount of hair.
and her eyes are the most beautiful in town.

my sweetest girl. you are growing way too quick for me.
I remember those last couple of months of pregnancy, anxiously awaiting your arrival and constantly daydreaming about who you would be. what you would look like, your personality, smile and if you would have blonde hair. I couldn't wait to finally hold you in my arms. I couldn't imagine how it would feel to be a momma of 2 ..and now that you are part of our lives and I know your every laugh, every cry and every smile you give me, we couldn't imagine life without you.
this month you have truly blossomed.
you are your own. you have a personality that sparks. your a superstar these days.. when you notice us and make eye contact, we don't even have to make a funny face or even say a word, you give us a big 'ol grin and make our hearts skip a beat. you are independent, loving and smart. not to mention nosey, or we can say curious and mischievous. our days have become much busier and more active lately as we spend our days exploring everything. I can't have anything within arms reach without you grabbing, swatting, or slapping at it. oh my stars little girl, you impress me every single day. for me to say that you are just amazing is an understatement. always happy, always smiling, but never seeking attention. you are to yourself, totally content playing in your own little world of toys and anything else you can get your hands into.
you are definitely one of a kind. there is absolutely no one like you.
I am so smitten with you Sky baby.
happy half birthday to you little dollie