Weekend in Pictures
Monday, August 08, 2016another summer weekend is behind us and I have a bazillion pictures to prove it.
anyone else feel like life is in hyper speed mode? the weeks are coming and going in a blink of an eye. we have been so busy that we decided to extend our weekend and have some fun. Brandon thought it would be good to find some clients in Albuquerque. so he worked a little and mommy tried to rest a lot. it was Thursday before we knew it. so let's start there..
daddy went to work early so that left grammy, grandpa Larry and I all alone with the kids.
Noah was eager to go outside, (he's a fan of the mountains) so he and grandpa played in the dirt. Noah thought he was playing, little did he know he was actually working, helping Larry dig out the drainage pipes. grammy and I just sat on the swing and enjoyed. after all that dirt digging we went to the park and it was such a good one. skylar had her first time on the swing, Noah walked a lot (boy likes to walk) and grammy and grandpa played. we were pooped after all the playing, so we sat and had some snacks that grammy has packed for us, thank you grammy!

as soon as we got home, it wasn't long before the kids passed out. and so did I. Lisa made I think, one of my favorite foods for dinner and we had a feast. home-made spaghetti with elk, fresh salad and bread, oh my! they treated Brandon and I by watching the kids and letting us go out on a date. it had seriously been about 2 and a half months since we've gone out. we shopped, we laughed, we ate and had cheesecake on the outside lounge area to the sound of thunder and rain. it was seriously so nice to spend time just the two of us. we came home and Noah was bathed and in bed, Sky was waiting for mommy to get into bed.

although we tired to sleep in a bit, we have kids, and that didn't happen. so we got ready and headed to the aquarium Noah was ecstatic! he was so excited for each thing he kept saying, "ok, lets see the next fishy." he was blowing through it so we had to slow him down. and after that was over we walked across to the botanical gardens and walked walked walked. Brandon was holding up like a champ with his ankle. he is Noah's best bud, and Noah looks to him for everything. let's face it, he's the fun one.

after all that fun, Noah crashed out in the car so we stopped by Dion's and go us a yummy pizza. grammy's treat. we were all so tired by then we ate in silence and took naps. then woke up to head over to the Isotopes game which was Paw Patrol night. we, the adults were so excited that he would get to see them in person. we were terribly wrong. Noah flipped! he was so scared when we got to the front of the line, he was in full freak out mode. well, that was that. the rest of the game went well once it stopped raining. it was a blast!

Saturday went by so fast, I only remembered to take one picture. we went to lunch with Mike & Robin and ate so much. that's how we roll. Sky passed out on daddy and it was so cute! we spent forever at Sportsman's Warehouse and shopped a lot this day as well. then we turned in early.

church. food (of course). and goodbye's. we were so sad the weekend had come to an end. we had so much fun and enjoyed every second, even through chaos. the car ride home was one of the smoothest we've had. naps for everyone! except Brandon of course. We're glad to be home and start a new week, getting ready for school. Thank you grammy and grandpa Larry for such a great weekend! Ya'll are the best!