
Photo Every Hour | Sunday

Monday, August 01, 2016

Aug 1, 2016

Skylar gave us the pleasant surprise of waking us with a huge blow out. She had been up and out all night.
She hasn't been letting mommy sleep lately.

Noah's turn. He's an early bird. As soon as I walked in, he smiled and said, "Mommy!" and ran right into my arms.
Oh these moments, I treasure them.

Bath time for this babe. She didn't get a bath the night before because she is just like daddy. She gets so hot at night.
She will leave the sheets wet with how much she sweats. Holy cow!
puj tub

We actually where doing good on time, so I decided to sit and curl my hair. This doesn't happen very often.
This mirror explains life with a toddler. It wont last a day after I clean it.
NuMe curljam

Church. Looking down at his hand, I realize how much God has truly blessed me.
The hand of a strong, loving, caring, man of God gives me courage as we grow together.

Message by Associate Pastor Shawn Kelly reminded us of The Sign that God gave us of His love.
And the gift of the Savior of the world.

Noah fought his nap for as long as he could. Until dad went in and tucked him in.
That has become the only way he will go to sleep.
baby monitor

Since both kids were down for the count, we had mom & dad time.
We watched The Fundamentals of Caring . It's such a funny one. Those cables are killing me!

Cuddles with this girl are my favorite. I don't believe that cuddling a baby is bad for them or their development.
They are only this small once. And I plan on enjoying it while I can.

When I woke up from my nap, I walked into Noahs room to find this. Two boys and their bond.
Brandons ankle is wrapped because he sprained it playing football at Oneighty. He cant walk on it if its not wrapped or without the crutch. He is doing better and better everyday though.

I took Sky outside so I could wake her. Who wouldn't want to wake up outside in just the most perfect weather?
And on a porch swing. I know I do. I should ask Brandon to carry me out so I can.

Brandon has been working on both yards like crazy. They're looking super nice. Immaculate actually.
The front obviously needs to be mowed as you can see.

My parents picked us up so we can go out for some sweets & ice cream. Brandon chose a Banana Split and I picked this yummy Strawberries & Cream dessert. Everyone should have one of these at least once.

Noah loves daddy so much. He has to hug him at lease 10 times before he goes down for the night.
Hugs, kisses, stories and prayer time. Good night.

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