This weekend was so so fun, but so busy. Once Sunday night came around, Brandon asked me if I had time to order formula. Which I do on my phone. Shoot no! I cant remember one time this weekend that I had time to sit and look at my phone for even 5 minutes.
My goodness! Monday came in a blink of an eye, but I have some snapshots to prove we didn't just skip the weekend although it feels like we did.
We went to my brothers surprise birthday party and have some good grub! We were recommended this place when we got here by one of Brandon's friends and let me tell you, it hit the spot! We L O V E barbeque! We had it at our wedding is how much we love it. Anway, before I get hungry again, Saturday was mostly spent in the smokiness of Hard Eight Barbeque.
Noah got a camera for Christmas and he's loved being a photographer ever since.
He took this one of us and I think he did quite good. Besides me looking like a dork, but its ok. Here's some more of Noah's good pics I found on my phone. Besides the one of the chairs and the fans and stuff, he got these cute ones that I love!

Our kids enjoy meat just as much as we do. We don't force it on them, they have just come to like it.
Noah thinks everything is chicken, there's no arguing with him about it. Hey, whatever works!
And, yes, that's Lucas sucking on is thumb. He found it this weekend.
Sky zonked out at about 3 o'clock as soon as we got in the car.
Her nap is always around noon but there seemed to be too much excitement.
We left Hard Eight for church and man, we were so full we had a hard time staying awake, but it became possible with such a good word from Pastor Robert.
He is on fire with this REAL Series. Absolutely inspiring!
Noah kept asking if we could go to the park all day long, kind of like 846 times.
In our neighborhood we have a private playground and pool for those who live there only and its amazing! No dealing with creepy people or having to leave after dark. I didn't know this existed.
If we walk out of our front door for about 2 minutes, we get to enjoy this great activity area. Playground, Basketball court and pool. And the pool has a kiddy splash pad and pool. It's so amazing, we love it!
Yep, he loves the thumb!
top knot beanie
Noah: Mommy, you smell that? Smells like a brain fart.
More of those funny ones to come on the blog soon.
Sunday we planned on a cook out at my mum and dad's.
Food again, yes please. There is no get together without food.
Grilled chicken and everything else. It was also so nice out, not too hot and not cold like its been. Hallelujah! Noah stayed at Wela and Welo's, so one kid down meant errands for us.
Two kids was supposed to make for an easier trip, but we were wrong.
What you looking at Meanna?
Aren't you dying at this?
OMG is was so cute! We took Grammy's Christmas present out to Target and people died!
She had her picture taken and more compliments probably than I've ever received in my lifetime!
They just lost it! Then there's this. I'll just leave it.
(Hand to forehead.)
Another one bites the dust!
Til the next!