five on friday
Friday, April 21, 2017we've been outside so much lately, Noah is as tan as he can get. a couple of weeks ago we spent the ENTIRE weekend doing yard work. the kids loved it! we couldn't get them to come inside. we found worms, rollie-pollies and discovered sky's love for eating dirt.. good times! we also enjoyed the sunshine as the kids hunted for way too many eggs that ended up all over the dining room floor. these are the days I dreamed of when I dreamed of having a family and a home.
two. baby boy
i'm so curious! what will this baby boy look like? mommy or daddy? I think dad makes for such a handsome boy. I can't help but dream about how he will look, what his personality will be. shy and quiet like mom? or outgoing and talkative like dad?

three. spring cleaning
some would say i'm nesting, but i'm just normally this much of a clean freak. purging the kids closets have been on my to-do list for months but hadn't had the time. since I took a week off work, it was the perfect opportunity. after cleaning out all the grown out items, I noticed how little clothes they had that actually fit. so Brandon let me go buck wild at Target. what the what? there's one thing off my list. our closet is next. and can you call bathing both kids in the kitchen sink spring cleaning? it was faster, but what was I thinking? my back was mad at me after that.
four. sibling love
they actually like each other. i'm just kidding. but it's so cute when they play together, my goodness. skylar is a lot to handle, so noah doesn't always want to play with her, but when he does, it melts our hearts! sky still thinks her big brother hung the moon, and you can see it when he lets her play with him. I cant get enough.
five. i'm that mom
the one that cant stay away from her kids. people say they love their kids, I really really love my kids. its hard for me to stay away from them all day long. Brandon tells me I need to chill out with it, but I cant. I spend a lot of time visiting them on lunch breaks. and when I get a week off vacation, what do I do? spend time with them at daycare. they're just cool kids..

fun times!
happy Friday.