winter | top 5
Friday, February 03, 2017brandon graduated from fire academy early december. he had been working toward this for months and he did it. i'm so very proud of him and his achievements.
this was the first year Noah actually understood the meaning of Santa and how he's a worker of Jesus, and because how it's Jesus' birthday, he sends Santa to deliver gifts to all the boys and girl that have been good because He's a giver. He would rather give than to receive because he loves everyone. I worked out pretty good and Noah was so excited. of course. this year was so much fun, there was so much to do and so many people to see. it was busy, but nonetheless, great.
three. NEW YEAR
we were lucky enough to have everyone together, great food, and a jon jon. we basically ate until we couldn't walk, played spoons and got crazy with it and then lounged on the couch watching the game. when kids went to bed, Brandon and I brought in the new year with friends and snoop dog. lol
four. WALKING -
the little baby that I feel like I just pushed out is walking. so independently, at 9 months, she walks like she's been doing it for 9 months. we're so excited!

five. BABY
we're having a baby and it was so much fun telling people the exciting news over the holidays. we're so blessed to be able to bring another little joy to this world.