Five on Friday
Friday, November 25, 2016we couldn't wait! we decorated on Saturday. in our defense, we wouldn't be home on Thanksgiving, so we wouldn't be able to decorate right after. we have 5 trees in our house. C R A Z Y you may say? Christmas is our thing.
post coming soon of our home for Christmas.
tree / lights
2. teeth
we've got teeth peeps! Sky isn't always happy about it, but she has 2 teeth. she hasn't been crazy fussy, but she has her days.
she certainly does the scratching behind her right ear often, so that's when I know to break out the Tylenol.
3. daycare
we have put the kids into daycare. and may I say, its stinking awesome! Brandon and I both love it. not to mention the kids. Noah often doesn't want to leave. he knows the names of all his classmates and he's social! something we really wanted for him. with him being the only child in the whole family for a long time, he didn't know how to play with others. and that has completely changed.
they have an open door policy and I love to have lunch with them any day I want. I couldn't be happier and more excited about this new stage in life.
4. birthdays
with the holidays here, we get so busy and forget to think about upcoming events. both kids birthdays are right around the corner and last year we were up at ungodly hours prepping the night prior. Brandon is encouraging me to get started. so here I am, buying templates, thinking about cakes, ordering tableware.
I'm so exited for this years parties, Noah will have a superhero party and Sky is under the sea. eek!
here's some of my inspiration.
chalkboard source

5. family pictures
so I had this grandiose idea of some family camping pictures. we went all out, and drove to Ruidoso, set up a tent and everything. well by the time we were all set up, sunlight got away from us. so we just had fun and made s'mores before we packed up and went home hoping to try again the the next week. well we didn't. it was too cold and honestly I didn't even want to try again. so I guess those are postponed for next year. those were just going to be fun pictures so not a big deal. we had fun though. next ones will be our Christmas pictures. I'm excited for those.
we're probably off shopping somewhere today, rolling around because of all the food we ate.
hope you had a blessed Thanksgiving day.
we sure did.