I am seriously exhausted as Brandon is. we are still trying to catch up on sleep.
this Thanksgiving, we spent it in Albuquerque, and it was great! full of joy and noise. just perfect! I have so much pictures, Ill try to pick the best and not make this a 100 picture post.
we ended up leaving until Thursday morning for crappy reasons, but when we hit the road, all we could do is be excited to see everyone. especially Noah, all he wanted to do was go to grammy's house.
Thanksgiving dinner was so yummy. I had never had a traditional type dinner. at our house, my mom cooks her turkey in red chile and we mix it up a bit. I did miss my mom's turkey, but I'm glad I now know what Brandon talks about when he talk about "traditional."
the green beans, oh my!
we had a pretty rough night with a nose bleed from Noah and Sky being wide awake at 1am.
I didn't go to sleep until about 4am. Brandon and I were both hurting the next day, but we were up and ready to shop. well at least I was, Brandon just didn't want me to go alone.
we found some good deals, and passed a few of them up due to the checkout lines. successful year though. we even finally got around to getting a new recliner. and got a killer deal. we can finally kiss old blue goodbye. (I'm so excited about that!)
we spent the rest of the night playing cards and eating. of course.
Noah played Go Fish with grandpa and it was so cute!
no people, I am not pregnant. Motherhood was having BOGO F R E E on all their jeans. so I had to grab a few pairs for the future. I just cant justify paying full price, their so expensive!
seeing Brandon this nervous is pretty funny though.

we had to go back into town to finish the deal with La.Z.Boy and get the Target deal on all Christmas.
we ended up going to two Targets in order to find the camper I wanted so bad. we did find it, and it amazing! we only planned on getting the $50 off $100, but ended up getting the deal twice. totally worth it!
Noah went for a ride with uncle Tim on the tractor and wouldn't stop asking for him after that. it makes me happy how he's getting attached.
after that, it was all about getting ready to decorate the Christmas tree. something new to me as well. it was a celebration. tons of food, music and sparkling grape juice. it was a blast. again, now I understand Brandon and his traditions.
church and a trip home.
it's always sad to say goodbye. but we will back be soon, really soon.
AND how precious is this picture of grammy and Sky, ugh, I melt!