Oh how fast has the time gone. I can't believe its already been 4 months.
Its truly been an adjustment trying to get the hang of having 2 kids. People told me, "one is one, two is ten." And it sure does feel that way. Its been fun though. I enjoy all the cuddles, noise, chaos at times and growth. Skylar has come to grow our love, not only for her, but for one another. I didn't think I could love Brandon and Noah any more than I did, but I can. Seeing both of them interact with her is the most beautiful thing to see. She brings us so much joy!
Taking her to her 4 month appointment was a little bittersweet. Sad that she is growing so fast, but happy and excited of what is to come. Skylar would hardly stay still before the Dr came in the room - demolishing the white paper covering the bench. She is the definition of wiggle worm.
Skylar at FOUR months
Weight: 15 pounds 4 ounces
(82nd percentile)
Height: 23.3 inches
(54 percentile)
Dr. Carson said she is perfect. And I couldn't agree any more. She checked out great and did awesome for her while she did her check-up. She obviously got her 4 month shots which she wasn't very happy about, but still did great, no fever or anything.

We had to wait a few days after her check up to get her ears pierced. So we came back after the weekend. Brandon wasn't very excited about this part so he just took video. It was hard, but she looks precious!

What's new?
So many things have changed just within the past few months time.

· Words! She has said her first word! Muma. We always just lay for a bit in the mornings to hear her chat.
She's a chatter box in the mornings. And she said it. Brandon and I looked at each other in disbelief and thought it was a coincidence. Then she said it again. And she practically cried. And then again. It was so cute! We are just two proud parents. I mean, obviously we are telling the whole world.
· Jump-a-roo Girl can jump. We set her in a bouncer about a month and a half ago and she like it.
Now a days, she will go hard on that thing. Its funny to see her get excited and just go at it. She will alsoplay with the toys, or at least drool on them.
· Eat She eats food. She is a little weird about it still but she will move it around in her mouth and get the flavor.
I think she just doesn't know exactly what to do with it yet. She has had banana, apple sauce, rice cereal and a Ella's Kitchen, carrots, apples & parsnips. As of today, she eats half a banana per day.
· Attentive Sky is an attentive little booger. She wants to know everything and see everyone. Especially big brother.
She will follow him with her eyes until he is out of sight. With all the jumping and running around Brandon and Noah do, she is always entertained.
4 month photo dump; Pictures that didn't make it to social media.