mama confessions i

Wednesday, February 08, 2017

this post is brought to you by the mama that just cannot seem to get enough sleep.
even if I just woke up from a 9pm-7am night.
having to eat something the second I wake up, and then puking (TMI, I know) 2 mins later.
I'm hanging in there.
one: we have been wearing the same clothes over and over this week. I have literally not done one load of laundry in 2 weeks. I'm down to leggings and tees.

two: I'm annoyingly clingy. all day, everyday.. I just want to cuddle with Brandon. just me, its me time! it's M E time kids!
Brandon said he will take advantage of it for now, he knows the prego pillow will be back out soon.

three: I've had a banana and waffles for breakfast for about 2 weeks straight. seems to be the only thing I can keep down in the mornings.
**prego tip - a banana tastes the same way going down AND going up. (this is very important)

four: Im an emotional pregnant wreck. I have cried on every episode of Parenthood I've watched this season. Kristina has breast cancer and I cant keep it together. bawling over here.

five: Noah LOVES to sing. loves it! the Speckled Frogs. OMG! I may send in an audition tape to America's Got Talent. He's a S T A R.

six: I can no longer feed Sky. she wont do it. whatever it is I put in her mouth, whatever it is, she will take it out, look at it for a couple of seconds and then eat it. even if its the same thing the whole meal. I'm convinced those times have passed. big girl.. big girl.

seven: I have not washed a dish in about a month. Brandon is on top of it. on top of everything. is there something this man cannot do? he is perfect, he is keeping us together at the moment and may I say, he is doing a great job. what did I do to deserve a man like him?

eight: I have not woken up even one time to tend to Sky when she needs something between 9pm-7am. Brandon does it every time to let me sleep and get rest. again.. WHAT DID I DO?
see number seven

nine: the five extra minutes it takes me to wash my face and brush my teeth before bed feels like going on a mile run.
why is this so annoying?
because I want to go to sleep right N O W is why.

ten; I'm so cold all the time. like all the time! I sit on a heating pad all day at work. then when I get back pain, I just move it up. game changer forever. not ashamed.

eleven: I'm so in love with my short hair. I literally do it one day and wont even touch it in 3 days. it stays cute.
who knew? score a thousand for mom.

twelve: I'm so tired I haven't went in to get my nails done. if you know me, you know that's a big deal. I've been putting it off for 3 weeks already. my nails are half gel, have grown out. ew. what is happening to me?
thirteen: Noah got the KidKraft Kitchen for Christmas along with real metal pots and pans. let me tell ya, when they start bangin those around, I often have a mini heart attack until I figure out what that sound is. HEART ATTACK!

fourteen: I bought Sky baby Uggs for this winter and they are like 2 whole sizes small. what was I thinking? I guess we can just save em for the next baby. thank goodness they are gender neutral.

fifteen: all I want to listen to is worship, all day. idk what it is. any other kind of music disgusts me right now. weird. my sister hooked up my playlist and I don't get bored of it. thanks sis.

motherhood is F U L L of manic moments, ya know?

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