Spears Christmas 2016
Wednesday, December 14, 2016there'll be much mistltoeing...
my love for decorating came from my mom. from the time I was little, she would deck the halls right after Thanksgiving. and I mean she would go all out. and of course it all stayed up until mid/end of January.
add that to a Christmas fanatic, (Brandon) and you've got a Christmas blow up! we both love Christmas time so much, we get a little crazy. this is the time of year we can justify a lot of things.
I like all the "new things." and Brandon is as traditional as they come. that the only aspect we tend to crash in. but when Brandon and I met, he warned me. he said he would always want a traditional Christmas. and he quickly figured out I was always on the hunt for the new and upcoming trends. we had to meet in the middle.
it was like a pact. Brandon wanted a traditional family Christmas tree with all the family ornaments and straight red, green and white everything. he likes colorful lights and lot of them. so I agreed to a traditional family room with all the things he wanted.
as long as..
I got the rest of the house to do all the modern things. he agreed, so his tree is untouchable. and I get to still do all the new things.
most of everything is from Target but I will link as much as I can.
family room
mantle garland - made by me
this tree is pre-lit with white lights but Brandon likes the colored lights. so we strung some extra lights that match the lights on the outside of our home. when he's not home, I get to turn on the white ones. best of both worlds. mouse / garland trees / squirrel / ornament trees - made by me / candle elf on a shelf / wreathe - made by me joy sign candle tree / tree topper / tree skirt / lights I'm not sure where most of these ornaments came from as they were gifts from family. but they sure are my favorites. we have ornaments that were Brandon's grandmothers long ago. there's too many to keep up with. noah & sky - made by me truck trendy nutcracker / fisherman nutcracker
we were so excited that we actually found this camper in stock that we didn't notice the wreathe was missing. we went to multiple targets during the black Friday sale to find this, so we just need to go exchange it. its still super cute.
camper lumberjack nutcracker
this was the first tree I ever bought. Noah used to wreck it with his walker as a baby and pull all the ornaments
off to stick 'em in his mouth. it's a special little guy.
tree / ornaments / candle
dining room
I wanted this room to just be elegant and simple. so I went with a champagne frosty look.
candle / candle ring tree / tree skirt / ornaments / twigs
skylar's room
I was a little skeptical of weather I wanted to put a tree in her room since I didn't want her to drop it on herself. but it has worked out pretty good. the day I put it up, she was obviously very intrigued to grab the ornaments but a few, firm, NO NO NO's did the job and we haven't had an issue.
tree / ornaments / beads / tree skirt trees / nutcracker / candle
noah's room
Noah had his very own tree last year as well but in storage, one of the legs broke so we bought him a new tree this year. we found this darling flocked tree from walmart and snached it up. and I just used the ornaments he already had. tree / tree skirt / animal ornaments / snowflakes /twigs
night time